Here is the Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment No 02 of Queues
Write the definition of the function moveNthFront( ) that takes as a parameter a positive integer, n. The function moves the nth element of the queue to the front. The order of the remaining elements remains unchanged. For example, suppose
queue = {5, 11, 34, 67, 43, 55} and n = 3.
After a call to the function moveNthFront( ),
queue = {34, 5, 11, 67, 43, 55}
Add this function to the class that you have defined for the queue. Also, write a program to test your method. The queue has to be implemented using a linked list.
Here is the complete code for the Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment of Queues
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node { public: int data; Node* next; }; class Queue { public: Node* front; Node* last; Queue() { front=NULL; last=NULL; } void Insert_Node(int x) { Node *newnode = new Node; newnode->data = x; if (front==NULL) { front = new Node; front->data = x; front->next = NULL; last = front; } else { Node *newnode = new Node; newnode->data = x; last->next = newnode; newnode->next = NULL; last = newnode; } } void display_node() { Node* temp = front; while (temp!=NULL) { cout<<temp->data<<" "; temp = temp->next; } } void move_nth_to_front(int change) { Node* temp = front; Node* temp1 = front; if (change>2) { for (int i=1;i<change;i++) { front = front->next; if (i!=change-2) temp1 = temp1->next; } temp1->next = front->next; front->next = temp; } else if (change==1) cout<<"THE NUMBER 1 IS ALREADY AT THE FRONT"; else if (change ==2) { for (int i=1;i<change;i++) { front = front->next; } temp1->next = front->next; front->next = temp; } } }; int main() { Queue* q = new Queue; int check,size=0; int to_front; do{ cout<<"ENTER A VALUE TO ADD INTO THE QUEUE OR -1 TO EXIT: "; cin>>check; if (check!=-1) { q->Insert_Node(check); size++; } else break; }while (check!=-1); cout<<"\n\n--------QUEUE DISPLAYING BEFORE CHANGING----------\n\n"; q->display_node(); cout<<"\n\nENTER THE NO OF NODE THAT YOU WANT TO BRING TO FRONT: "; cin>>to_front; while(to_front>size) { cout<<"ENTER THE CORRECT NODE YOU WANT TO BRING TO FRONT: "; cin>>to_front; } q->move_nth_to_front(to_front); cout<<endl; cout<<"\n\n--------QUEUE DISPLAYING BEFORE CHANGING----------\n\n"; q->display_node(); }
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